May 6, 2006: Our first date
August 7, 2006: Ryan proposed
October 20, 2006: We got MARRIED!
April and May 2007: We decide to pursue in-vitro fertilization
May 25, 2007: First appointment with the doctor
June 2007: Start giving myself injections
July 3, 2007: Extraction of 11 eggs. We know there is a very small chance that the sperm will be able to fertilize any eggs.
July 5, 2007: The worst day ever. The IVF didn't work.
August 2007: We buy our first house
October 2007: I get a new job, phew-I didn't like my other job.
December 2007: We want to pursue adoption. LDS Family Services tell us that we have to wait until we have been married for two years.
Summer 2008: We look into the state's foster-adopt program, take some classes, and decide that this is not what we want to do.
November and December 2008: We turn in our adoption paperwork and our reference letters.
January 2009: First appointment with our caseworker.
January and February 2009: Fill out all the rest of the paperwork, put our profile together, make decisions about what preferences we have.
March 2009: Sell our house and move into our new house! Finish financial statement, background checks, fingerprints.
April 24, 2009: Home Study
May 2009: Utah background check (since I lived there in the last five years)
June 15, 2009: Finally we are approved! Our profile goes online. We get a new caseworker.
August 2009: We send out hundreds of pass along cards to family and friends.
October 20, 2009: Celebrate our 3rd anniversary by going on a cruise with my sister and her husband.
November 6-7, 2009: Adoption conference in Portland
January-February, 2010: Emotional roller coaster not ending the way we were hoping for.
March 2010: Slowly getting back to normal life. Hoping, praying, fasting that something will happen soon.
It has been almost 3 years since the IVF, and infertility still kicks my butt even when I don't expect it. I hate it. I am so happy that I have Ryan right by my side during all of this. He is such a great support. Ryan has been amazing and I don't think that I could have gotten through the last year without him. We are so happy together, even through the struggles. We are best friends. I don't know when things will happen, but I do know that if I have Ryan walking with me, we will be happy and strong to endure anything that comes our way.